liga negara-negara arab bahasa Inggris
- liga: confectionery; league; union; order; club;
- negara-negara: countries; nations; the various states
- negara-negara arab: arab countries
- arab: arab; arabian; arabic; perso-arabic; ayrab
- negara anggota liga arab: member states of the arab league
- daftar negara anggota liga arab: member states of the arab league
- pemimpin negara anggota liga arab: leaders of arab league member states
- negara arab: arab states
- negara-negara arab bersatu: united arab states
- liga negara-negara uefa: uefa nations league
- daftar bendera negara-negara arab: list of arab flags
- piala negara-negara arab fifa: fifa arab cup
- negara persatuan arab: united arab states
- liga negara concacaf: concacaf nations league
- liga negara uefa: uefa nations league
- The updated (2004) version of the Charter came into force in 2008 after seven of the members of the League of Arab States had ratified it.
Versi yang diperbaharui (2004) dari Piagam terebut mulai berlaku pada 2008 setelah tujuh anggota Liga Negara-Negara Arab meratifikasinya.